A Terrible Weekend

 A terrible Weekend 
I went to Istanbul  with my friends Hotel  we were  very happy. Then I slept  my friend and I  were very  hungry . After that  we went to Hotel. And  we went to Restaurant . Suddenly  the man had a knife  on his hand. We were  scared . Before we  went to our  rooms and we called the poliçe. After that  I explained  the police . We were sad and  I slept  in my  room.  In the  morning  we came to home and I  was very happy. It was a terrible weekend.

Dünya güneş ve ay modeli

Dünya güneş ve Ay modeli

Elektirik Oyunu

elektirik oyunu

Save water Save the world

Savet the water

Describing Celebrities

I think she is beautiful and good-looking 
She is thin and tall
She has got brown eyes
She has got brown,long and straıght hair
 She is teenager.

I think she's beautiful
She is tall
She has got grey eyes
She has got wavy, short and black hair
She is teenager
She has got tattoo.



İch bin Badesu, Meine mutter heisst Şebnem, Mein vater heisst İbrahim,Meine schuhle ist ODTÜ kollege, Ic bin elf jahre alt, Meine fruendin heisst Helin, Meine cousine Ada.